
Truckies share their thoughts on Bruce Highway crisis

The Bruce Highway is back open after a fiery crash damaged the road at Bororen last week – but it continues to be a hot-button topic.  

Friday’s fatal incident was just one in a long list of recent accidents on the road, which has drawn nationwide attention to the state of the highway.  

We took to the popular On The Pads Queensland Facebook group to ask truckies what they think are the biggest safety issues on the Bruce, and how we can fix them.  

Here’s what a few of you had to say.  

Michael Stover 

The only decent part of the road past Gympie is the stretch between Maryborough and Howard. The rest of it is absolute trash. The government should be charged with manslaughter for a lot of these accidents. 

John McKenzie 

The whole highway needs to be fixed. They need to take a page out of NSW’s book and make a new four-lane highway that has a concrete wall separating north and southbound traffic. 

Warwick Stiller

Being realistic, no government – either state or federal – have the funds to fix it, but a lot of the work done over the years is of poor quality. At the end of the day, there needs to be a long-term plan to commit funds for the next 20-odd years, to actually upgrade section by section. From Townsville north is still a long way behind the rest.

While you have poor roads you’ll continue to have a percentage of drivers crash – that’s just a fact of life. Impatience is a hard problem to fix and experience can’t be taught. We all have done stupid things – some just don’t get away with it. The transport industry is slowly declining and as the more experienced retire and go the problem will get worse.

Perhaps those that get their license need to have distance restrictions for the first 18 months until they gain enough experience on short haul and they move to long haul. Cars and caravans? Well, there’s no political will to change them.

Brad Orton 

My main concern between Gin Gin and Miriam Vale is burn-off smoke. I know the farmers have to burn off, but this combined with the fog makes visibility almost zero.  

I don’t have too much problem with the road otherwise, because I’ve driven on way worse. 

Matt Byrnes 

The biggest problem is 30 years of failure from state and federal governments. The like-for-like funding rule for rebuilding after a natural disaster has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars.  

Jason Sexton 

Time to align with the southern states. With all the resources that are being exported to the rest of the world, which needs proper infrastructure, I think there is enough in the coffers to achieve this. Make it a ten-year program, which will provide jobs for the communities along the way, as well as getting major heavy traffic out of these towns. It would also open up tourism to these local communities, because the average Joe will want to travel on a beautiful dual carriageway, not some outdated goat track. Everyone knows it needs doing, people have been asking for decades. Now we are being scolded for our driving habits, when the condition of the road is clearly making impatient people do stupid shit. If we had something like the Pacific Highway, the situation would be completely different. It needs to be done. 

Trevor Henning 

How about stop blaming the highway and address the driver attitude, as it is 99 per cent of the problem?

Mick De Groot 

Dual lanes from Gympie to Cairns. If they can do it from Melbourne to Sydney then on to Queensland, then why not from Brisbane to North?

For more comments and the latest on the Bruce Highway crisis, pick up the next issue of Big Rigs – on shelves September 13. 


  1. The biggest problem is no rest areas and the need to follow Western Australia and enforce only truck parking areas stop any one else from using them without a good reason like a flat tire or so

  2. Caravaners doing 80kph and mobbs of them choking the crap road.
    Idiot P platers thinking they are fast n furious and sitting 2″ off ya freaking ass but at the end we all have to pay for 2 weeks of the olimpics can you imagine how frigged the road will be by the of the Olimpics lol think its bad now

  3. Was caught up in the smoke fog incident between Miriam Vale and Gin Gin, was absolute white out conditions, no warning, just right there doing the ton. I called 000 pleading for appropriate services, never want this again, then chuck roaming cattle in there every night as well.
    Was a fatality waiting to happen, sure many mistakes were made that night, drivers not having their UHF on for starters….
    Bororen a Ute turned in front of the truck, but the headlines love to twist this in the truckies demise, ABC news report yesterday morning saying Truck hit a Ute blah blah
    The back road we had to take was 3rd world
    3 billion dollars was netted last financial year from money boxes, roadside revenue raisers, fees charges, where the hell is all that going/gone?

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