
Unimog primed and ready to respond

‘To train the people of the world to save themselves, and rescue those who can’t.’

This is the vision of Brisbane-based Public Safety Training and Response Group (PSTRG), a multi-function organisation focused on training in and responding to emergencies and natural disasters.

At the forefront of the group’s transport fleet is a 4×4 dual-cabbed Mercedes Benz Unimog which has been built to provide a versatile resource in both emergency and training operations. 

The big ‘Benz was on display recently at the AFAC exhibition in Sydney, taking pride of place on the company’s stand, with the truck and its displayed equipment drawing a number of interested onlookers.

“It’s been designed and made for flood and swift water rescue with a deployable pod, which sits on the back on the truck – it works off hydraulic rams and can be deployed to where it is needed. The pod we have on display here is  for our  flood water response,  and we have other pods for fire and people transport,” said Brenton Clarke from PSTRG.

The Mercedes became part of the fleet last year, making its show debut at AFAC 2023, with the vehicle being developed over a period of two years to serve a number of purposes.

Fitted out by Brisbane-based Unidan Engineering, the Unimog features a bulbar/cab protection, front and rear winches and a rear tray fitted with a crane and container pins to secure the pods.

“Unidan fitted it all out. They had done the ones for NSW SES and other emergency services, so they were aware of the type of fit-out we needed,” Brenton said. 

“It was the first time the unique pod system had been done. The concept was a good six months in planning and then a year getting it built and realised, it is pretty unique and a bit of a niche market as to who can build it and getting it to the right specs,” said Brenton.

“We based it around what happened with the floods in NSW a few years back, and what was needed for that type of response, but also future-proofing. We have taken an all-hazards approach with the changeable pods – it’s been set up for floods the last couple of years but with the summer coming on its likely to see a fire response.”

Inside the Unimog, the PSTRG’s own radio system is linked into the government agency radio network, with the communications bolstered with an aviation radio and UHF CB.

A searchlight on the roof can be operated from the inside whilst externally the tray features a de-contamination unit along with a slide-out kitchen, while the crane is used to deploy a flood boat, as shown at AFAC.

Fitted with a towbar the Unimog can also pull a trailer with another pod or other equipment as well.

“It weighs in at 8.1 tonne with about 3 tonne in the pod so about an 11.5 tonne capability. The GVM is 14.5 tonne so it can work well within those parameters,” Brenton said.

Sitting up on all-terrain Michelin tyres which are fitted with a CTI inflation system, the Unimog can ford floodwater to a depth of 1.2 metres.

The company undertakes a lot of driver training using the vehicle and Brenton reckons operating the Mercedes can be somewhat daunting for some at first, but the truck is a breeze to drive.

“All our driver training is done internally; we have staff who used to drive Mogs in the army.

“We have based our programs around driver training they do in NSW where they have them in use as well, and our training methods are consistent with those operations. 

“It can take a while for people driving to get used to them as not only the height, but the width as well makes a difference. Off road there’s not too many places it won’t go, and it sits on the road really well, it’s very comfortable and sits nice and high, and its lovely to drive.”

With its comprehensive features and capability, off and on the road Brenton says the Benz is more than up to whatever role it will play when needed.

“We have been pretty blessed the last 12 months or so without any major disasters, so it has been put to work for our training purposes. We will work Australia wide and we are there just in case.”

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