
Young truck fan celebrates Book Week with recent edition of Big Rigs Newspaper

Trucking sure is in the blood for 12-year-old Madden Connors, who recently went to school dressed as a truckie from Big Rigs to celebrate Book Week.

Based in Wonglepong, on Queensland’s Scenic Rim region, his school celebrated Book Week a little later than most, to coincide with their annual book fair.

Madden’s dad Matt Connors is a diesel mechanic, and his grandfather Les Collier only recently retired from his role as a truck driver after more than 40 years on the road.

Madden loves heading to the workshop with his dad. Image: Jayne Connors

So when it came time to decide on a costume for Book Week this year, his mother Jayne Connors says it was a no-brainer.

“Madden loves going to work with Matt and wants to be just like one of those guys in the workshop. He’s in the workshop any chance he gets and is itching to finish school and start working,” she said.

“He’s always dressed in work gear – he walks around in his jeans, work boots and his truck hat. Normally he isn’t fussed about Book Week and doesn’t want to go as anyone, but a trucking newspaper is still classed as a book. He’ll read it when he goes into my husband’s work.

“So when he was trying to think of something to go as, we said what about a truckie?”

And Madden was all over it, heading to school with his copy of Big Rigs Newspaper in hand.

According to Jayne, her son Madden has been interested in trucks for as long as she can remember. “He’s loved trucks since forever,” she said.

“Unfortunately he could never go out in the truck with my dad as the companies he worked for didn’t allow it. His work was all going into the mines.

“Back in the 1990s when I was growing up, I used to be able to go in the truck with him – you can’t do that anymore. But when Madden is at work with Matt, any time they have to take one of the trucks for a test drive, he gets to go out with them and really enjoys that.”

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