
Let us use your stockpile sites as informal truck parking bays

There are not enough truck rest areas and even if millions were allocated tomorrow, it would be years before there would be any serious increase in capacity.

Truck numbers have increased, town bypasses on some roads have further reduced truck parking capacity and the growing number of caravans and motorhomes on the road, which has increased substantially since Covid, have exacerbated the problem.

Truck drivers must, for both safety and legal compliance, manage their fatigue and simply using a narrow stopping bay on the edge of a highway, or a bit of dirt that may provide somewhere to stop, but not really a safe and suitable place for quality sleep, means what is required is an area away from the road and without the possibility of disruption or at least the chance to reduce same.

I am a full-time driver on the road, but involved with many other activites. I have been trying for years to see more and better truck rest areas and started the green reflector marking of informal truck bays over 25 years ago.

This is now recognised in Queensland, NSW, Victoria and after only 22 years, finally in South Australia as well.

Two years ago, South Australia completed marking 24 green reflector bays as part of an initial trial between Port Augusta and the WA border.

Twelve of these sites are stockpile sites and it has been agreed as part of the trial, when the stockpile sites are needed for road resurfacing, they will put a sign at the site, saying it is closed as a rest area for roadworks use for the next three months, for example.

Many stockpile sites are well suited to informal truck bays, having hard stand where you have had trucks, machines and solid material or ground chosen for such use and the even more important factor, is that due to often being simply cut into the roadside area, there is often shade, which I must say is so very rare to find in truck parking areas.

I am seeking support from every government and council, to allow, the use of stockpile sites as informal truck bays, if such sites meet the guidelines in use for the marking of informal truck bays with green reflectors.

The green reflectors which are generally stick ons and fitted to roadside guideposts approaching a site to allow a driver to know such a site is coming up, rather than simply try to brake heavily and or late if a safe place is seen when tired.

As suggested above, the reflectors could simply be covered and a small sign put in place, when needed for roadworks.

This simple, cheap and very effective initiative could make a big difference at little cost, whereas building new and additional truck rest areas can cost millions and take years.

This idea could possibly act as an interim measure and solve the shortage of truck capacity within months and save lives, until such times as more formal sites are built over the years to come.

Some of these sites do get used by drivers who have simply seen them, there are others where there is little other option or opportunity and some already marked with green reflectors, but we still have drivers forced to drive on when tired, due to an overall lack of parking places across Australia.

Will you support and assist with this idea and or do you have any concerns or comments to put forward?

Thank you,

Rod Hannifey

TRUCKRIGHT, Road Transport and Road Safety Advocate.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for pushing this road safety initiative. It just makes so much sense and costs bugger all.
    I have been making people aware of these reflectors and their meaning on my Truck Friendly Facebook page and web site for several years, and the feedback from all road users is, “Why are they not everywhere?”

    I will be bringing these up with Qld transport at my next meeting also.

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