If you need someone from overseas to fill a gap and fly an aeroplane or a helicopter, you may be in luck, however those looking for qualified heavy vehicle drivers from abroad have been overlooked again.
The Australian Government has this week released its new Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) and despite many fleets calling out for truck drivers, they haven’t been included in the list of 456 skilled occupations.
However for those looking for skilled trades in the workshop, jobs like diesel motor mechanics, panel beaters, vehicle painters, vehicle body builders and automotive electricians are all included on the list; as well as fleet managers.
The CSOL is designed target the skills Australia needs. According to the Australian Government, CSOL is consolidated list, informed by labour market analysis and stakeholder consultations by Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) that provides access to temporary skilled migration.
The CSOL applies to the Core Skills stream of the new Skills in Demand visa, which will replace the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa on December 7, 2024. The CSOL will also apply to the Direct Entry stream of the permanent Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) visa.
The Australian Government added that further details on other reform taking place on December 7, 2024, including the Skills in Demand visa and National Innovation visa, will be announced shortly.