New South Wales, News, Road upgrades

$48.8 million in sealing works completed in outback NSW

Sealing works completed in far west NSW are set to help improve efficiency for freight operators travelling the route.

The Australian Government invested $31.7 million and the NSW Government contributed $17.1 million to the projects, which were delivered by Wentworth Shire Council and Central Darling Shire Council between 2021 and 2024.

Before the projects were delivered, an 87.5-kilometre stretch of Pooncarie Road between Menindee and Pooncarie had a rough surface which meant slower travel times and regular road closures after heavy rainfall – leaving some communities cut off for weeks at a time.

The sealing projects completed in recent months have led to easier access to essential services communities rely on, while also boosting freight efficiency.

“The full sealing of Pooncarie Road has cut travel times by around 90 minutes between Menindee and Wentworth,” said NSW Regional Transport and Roads Minister Jenny Aitchison.

“Previously some vehicles had to do 20 km/h along parts of the dirt road and it could be impassable when there was wet weather.

“The NSW Government is proud to have invested in such significant projects in the state’s Far West. These projects have delivered major safety, economic and social benefits to some of our important outback communities.”

State Member for Barwon Roy Butler added: “This project has been a real game changer for local communities with motorists now able to travel on a reliable road surface that’s much safer and resilient to wet weather.

“Improved access for tourists, locals and freight services will benefit these Far West communities including the western pastoralists who are operating sheep, goat and cattle industries in the area.”


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