The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is reminding operators to check their brakes after a B-double was issued with a defect notice during a recent random intercept.
“We found this B-double combination had insecure slack adjusters on both trailers which deemed its brakes inoperative – posing a significant risk to safety for both the driver and surrounding road users,” the NHVR explained.
The NHVR issued the company with a major defect notice and the combination was grounded on-site until repairs were carried out.
“We know that a majority of operators have good servicing and maintenance programs in place to ensure everyone’s safety,” said the NHVR, “but we remind you that regular maintenance checks and servicing is essential to make sure everyone makes it home at the end of their day.
“If you feel pressured to drive a defective vehicle, please report your concern to the Heavy Vehicle Confidential Reporting Line on 1800 931 785.”
Why worry about those brakes when most steering wheel attendants now days wholy rely on the Jake brake ( as I call them now days a wankers brake ) as they use them going through towns on flat roads etc etc. I was driver for 54 years and I am now inbarrased to tell any one that .