Work will soon begin to repair the damage caused by a truck crash on the temporary road-over-rail bridge on Burley Griffin Way at Wallendbeen.
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Regional Director South, Cassandra Ffrench, said repair work is planned to start on Tuesday January 28.
“Safety is the highest priority and now that engineers have assessed the damage and have a repair plan in place, work can proceed,” she said.
“All going well, the temporary bridge is expected to reopen on Sunday 2 February.”
Ffrench said a large crane will be used to lift the bridge out of the rail corridor and reinstall it after the repairs are completed.
“Removing the bridge will ensure the repairs can be safely completed away from the rail corridor without disrupting rail services,” Ffrench said.
“I would like to thank motorists for their ongoing patience while work progresses onsite.”
Motorists are advised of changes to local traffic conditions during the essential repair work, with Silo Road and Morrisons Hill Road intersections with Burley Griffin Way closing until work is completed.
TfNSW says this is necessary to minimise the time needed to complete the repair work as a heavy crane will need to remain onsite.
Various detours are in place for light and heavy vehicles, with up to date information available via Live Traffic. Road users will also need to follow the direction of traffic control and signage.
The repair work will be carried out at various times throughout the six-day closure and is largely dependent on weather conditions. Days with high winds forecast may influence timing.
Burley Griffin Way between Stockinbingal and Wallendbeen is due to be re-opened to traffic on Sunday February 2.
Construction of the new Wallendbeen bridge structure is progressing and remains on schedule for completion early this year.
Burley Griffin Way is a key route on the network linking the Hume Highway to the Riverina and the Olympic and Newell highways. The new permanent bridge will return a two-lane crossing to motorists, to improve safety and travel times on this important freight corridor.