Another column, and another fortnight where there is still deadly silence from the current federal government in regards to the support drivers in the transport industry need.
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The TWU has had a win in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) for an increase to the rates paid under the General Carriers Contract Determination in NSW.
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The ongoing exclusion of voices of drivers from the talks to safeguard supply chains and improve conditions is typical of the disregard held by the current government and sadly some companies, for the transport Industry.
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When a transport worker dies out on the road, doing their job, police set up a crime scene, they notify the coroner who does not always hold an inquest. Too often, the death on the road of a heavy vehicle operator at work is a “stock-standard” road fatality. SafeWork does not get involved.
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Congratulations to all at the Big Rigs newspaper for arriving at their 30th year of publication. That’s 30 years of ensuring this industry has a place where the voice of owner drivers and employee drivers can be heard.
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By now, the excitement from the New Year celebrations has well and truly evaporated and we continue getting on with the job. One of those jobs for the TWU is to call on the reasonably new Roads Minister in NSW, Natalie Ward to pick up where other roads ministers have not and address out-of-control toll road costs.
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Our New Year’s resolution for the TWU is making 2022 a year of enforcement. We are making sure that those in power who can be part of the process of change for the transport industry don’t forget the lessons of 2020 and 2021. We cannot let them forget what we all know, the vital nature of transport, transport workers are the people that drive businesses forward.
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