Richard Olsen

Missing: duty of care and respect for transport workers

Transport workers have become directly responsible for shareholder and management happiness due to the ‘Christmas-level’ workload in many yards. They have kept parcels coming to people’s doors, they’ve kept retail shelves stocked. They have delivered essential goods and supplies across the country under unprecedented demand and pressure from those at the top of the supply chains.  Read More

Government must legislate change to help truckies

The TWU knows that workers want to get on with their jobs, be paid fairly, be kept safe while they drive and need the federal government to set up a national plan that does not keep them guessing as to which border closes next, where they can get tested or where they can go if they choose to be vaccinated.  Read More

Toll shows disrespect for owner-drivers

There is currently no stronger example of the disrespect for owner-drivers in the transport industry than the discovery by the TWU that Toll failed to pay invoices on time, despite an agreement in place over payments, on 5187 occasions. Read More

Safety must be the priority

Profit before safety, profit before people is not the road for a company to take when it comes to ensuring respect for drivers in 2021. We are in the grip of a pandemic and you are in the thick of it, a worker doing a critical job ensuring the wheels keep turning. Read More