Is the NHVR really listening to the industry?

Every day, transport workers tell us that it gets harder to do the job. Now the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, the organisation responsible for setting the rules, is promoting the idea that you can drive up to 16 hours a day, under Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM). Read More

Let’s clear the air, together

Covid-19 improved the perception many Australians have of our industry, reaffirming that the movement of trucks, the supply chain and the ability to access warehouses is critical to the nation’s development and continued success.
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Our roads are killing our drivers

Our government wants us to be more careful, to fill out endless paperwork, to create huge procedures all aimed at ‘zero road deaths’ without any repercussions or responsibilities for them. They seem to think that we cause all the suffering and trauma. But what about their responsibilities? Read More