Opinion - Melissa Horne

Working together to keep freight moving

Throughout this entire pandemic, Victorians have been able to rely on freight. People have been able to count on the fact they won’t be left stranded without essentials like food and face masks – and that’s thanks to the way we have been able to keep the supply chain moving. Read More

QTA: Investing in a new freight corridor is crucial

With the Queensland state election looming fast on October 31, here’s an edited extract from the Queensland Trucking Association’s state election blueprint, calling for more investment in the Toowoomba to Port of Brisbane corridor, and an alternative inland highway. Read More

Stopping the hit on your wallet

It’s good to be back. Big Rigs is the magazine for transport workers and a strong forum for discussion of the issues that you face on the road every day. The TWU is a proud contributor. The pandemic has created a situation we have not seen before. For some in our industry, work is busier than it has ever been, for others they are finding new jobs. The industry needs no extra pain yet we still see corporate greed overtaking corporate responsibility alongside indifference from the Federal and State Governments. Read More

VTA: Fighting for common sense at the borders

Like many readers, I was disappointed Big Rigs was recently shuttered as part of consolidation occurring in the publishing industry. For decades, Big Rigs filled a void servicing the interests of owner-operators and small-medium sized freight and logistics operators right around Australia, who relied on it for timely and relevant information about the transport industry. Read More