CATERPILLAR D6T XL Bulldozer (Stock No. 2301)

Sale Price: $240,000* Watch Price Make An Offer
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Southern Tool & Equipment

601 Boundary Rd

Darra, QLD

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Title CATERPILLAR D6T XL Bulldozer (Stock No. 2301)
Type Dozers
Sub Type Crawler and Swamp
Class Crawler
Model D6T XL
Series Bulldozer (Stock No. 2301)
Sale Price $240,000 price ex GST
Listing Type Used
Stock Number MACHDOZ #2301 D6T XL
RefCode TA872993


Caterpillar D6T XL Bulldozer with Stick Rake (Stock No. 2301) CAT D6 Dozer

Fully equipped workhorse. Well maintained one owner dozer with great undercarriage, excellent sprockets, track pads and rails. A/C blows cold as ice. Reliable machine, everything works as it should with no leaks. Caterpillar inspection report available. Work ready!

Includes brand new heavy duty bi-folding stick rake and tree pusher.
Heavy duty screens and sweeps. Multi-shank rippers fitted

Wholesale Price ---- $240,000+GST

Due to staff shortages, inspections are by prior arrangement only