Prioritising training over experience

The VTA received a positive reaction to the column in the last issue of Big Rigs, which dealt with labour shortages and how overhauling our migration system to attract highly-trained and qualified drivers to Australia would go a long way to addressing the crisis. Read More

VTA welcomes Inland Rail review

The Australian Government has announced an independent review into the Inland Rail project as it works to get things back on track – a move that has been warmly welcomed by the Victorian Transport Association (VTA). Read More

Classify gig workers in industrial law

The election of the Albanese Labor Government provides an opportunity to make significant inroads to improving conditions for transport workers servicing the gig economy – the Uber, Amazon and Menulog drivers that transport meals, groceries, parcels and other freight for wages and conditions that should embarrass any responsible employer. Read More

VTA hopeful of genuine reform

Following Labor’s victory in the Federal Election, the Victorian Transport Association (VTA) has called for those in transport to come together and attain genuine reform that will benefit the industry. Read More

Compliance and vaccine mandates crippling operators

The Australian road freight industry is one of the most regulated sectors in the world, with three tiers of government applying various levels of oversight to how operators go about their business. Regulation is for the most part well-intentioned, with the industry understanding some degree of oversight is required to maintain high standards in areas such as safety, emissions, and community amenity. Read More

Commonwealth support vital on zero emissions

In the lead-up to the COP 26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, and as the Commonwealth Government gears up for a federal election, likely in May 2022, public attention has turned to emissions policy and what steps will be taken by the government to support and achieve its new net zero emissions by 2050 objectives. Read More